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新版八年级英语上册知识点Unit 8x

Unit 8 Why don’t you get her a scarf?   【单元目标】      Ⅱ.目标句型:   1. What should I get for sb…?  2. How about sth./doing sth.?   3. How do you like sth.?   4. What about sth./doing sth.?   5. Why don’t you buy/get…?  6. Why not buy/get…?   7. They’re too expensive/cheap/personal…  8. Great!/Good idea!/OK…. I’ll get/buy…   9. My best gift is…   10. It’s good for sb. to…   11. It can make sb….   Ⅲ.重点句型   1. Why don’t sb. do sth.?  2. How about结构  3. too…to结构   【重点词汇】   1. improve      作不及物动词,表示“改进,改善”     例如:     His work is improving slowly.    他的工作提高得很慢。     His health is improving.    他的健康正在好转。     也可作及物动词,表示“使某物改进,改善”。     例如:     He studies harder to improve his English.    他更加努力提高英语水平了。     This is not good enough. I want to improve it.    这还不够好,我要加以改进。   2. remember  v. 记住,记起     I can’t remember your name.    我记不起你的名字。     As far as I can remember,this is the third time we’ve met.     我记得这是我们第三次会面了。     remember doing sth表示“记得做某事”;动名词doing具有完成的意义     I remember taking (having taken) the medicine at the right time.     我记得已按时服过药了。(吃过了)     remember to do sth表示“记住去做某事”;不定式to do表示未做的动作     I remember to take the medicine at the right time.    我记住要按照服药。(还没吃)   3. too…to,这个短语虽然是肯定的形式,但是表达的是否定的意思:“太…以至于(不能)…”。     如:     He is too old to work.      他太老了,不能工作了。     The box is too heavy for the little girl to carry.     这箱子太重,小女孩搬不动。     如在too前面或者后面有否定词not,则整个句子表达肯定。     如:     This question is not too difficult to answer.    这道题不太难回答。     He is too clever not to see that.    他很聪明,不会不懂这一点。   4. spend…on 在…上花(时间或金钱)     如:     He spends a lot of money on books.     他花许多钱买书。     I spend half an hour on my homework every day.    我每天要花费半小时做作业。     I always spend weekends with my family.    我经常和我的家人一起过周末。        spend…(in) doing sth.花(时间或金钱等)做某事。     如:     The government will spend money looking after the patients.政府要花钱去照料那些病人   5. instead  代替,替代     作副词,常放在句首或句末     It’s too hot to walk,we’ll go swimming instead.    太热不宜散步,我们改去游泳。     The girl stopped watching TV,she danced instead now. 那个女孩不看电视了,而去跳舞了。     He is tired,let me go instead.    他累了,让我替他去吧。     instead of后跟名词、代词或动名词,表示“代替……,而不是……”。     例如:     He’ll go to Italy instead of France.    他要去意大利而不去法国。     I’ll go instead of him.    我将代替他去。     He played the whole afternoon instead of doing his homework.     他玩了一下午而没做作业。   6. touch  触,碰     The branches of the tree touched the water.    树枝碰到了水面。     Visitors are not allowed to touch the exhibits.    参观者请勿触摸展览品。     Don’t touch that pot;it’s very hot.    不要摸那口锅,它很烫。     常用短语:in touch with 有联系;对某事熟悉          lose touch   失去联系,停止联系          out of touch  无联系;生疏   7. native  本地的,本族的,本国的     Chinese is our native language.    汉语是我们的母语。     It’s a native fruit.     这是一种当地产的水果。     one’s native country / land 本国,祖国     native place 出生地     one’s native language 本国语,本族语     反义词:foreign 外国的;外交的;外国产的;外来的   8. increase  增加,增大,增多     Travel increases one’s knowledge of the world.    旅游提高一个人对世界的认识。     He increased the size of his farm year by year.    他逐年扩大他的农场规模。     The population of this town has increased by 5 percent. 这个镇的人口已经增长了5%。     常用短语: increase by   增加了……           increase to…… 增加到……   9. support  支持;继续;养活     He has a large family to support.    他有一大家子人要养活。     He was supported home by the man.    他被那个人扶回了家。     support 还可作名词,表示“拥护;支持”     There is strong public support for the change.    公众大力支持这一变革。   10. enough 意为“充足,足够”     enough作副词,可用于修饰形容词、副词、动词等,通常置于被修饰语之后。     I don’t know him well enough to ask him for help. 我和他不够熟悉,不好请他帮忙。     This room is big enough for five of us to live in.  这房间给我们5个人住够大了。     enough还可作形容词,用于修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词,置于名词前或后均可。     Do you have enough time?     你的时间够用吗?     We have money enough to buy the house.    我们有足够的钱买这所房子。   11. take care of 表示“照顾,照料,爱惜”是及物的动词短语。     During the illness of their mother the children were taken care of by a neighbor.     在孩子们的母亲患病期间,他们由一位邻居照顾。     A good car should last you a long time if you take care of it.      如果你爱惜的话,一部好汽车会让你长时间使用。     She ought to take care of her health more than she does. 她该比现在更注意健康。   【重难点分析】   1. Why don’t you do sth.?     这是给别人提建议,建议某人做什么事情的句型。     如:     Why dont we come more often?       咱们为什么不经常来这里呢?     Why dont you do it this way?       为什么不用这种方法做呢?     Why dont you have another try?     为什么不再试一次呢?     Why don’t you buy a book for your father?    给你爸爸买本书怎么样?     这个句子还可以写成Why not do…?     如:     Why not get her a camera?      为什么不给她买个相机呢?     这个句型还有发出礼貌地邀请的用法。     如:     Why don’t you have a drink of tea? 请喝茶。= Why not have a drink of tea?   2. How/What about…? 表示“……怎么样/好吗?”     这个句型是询问听话这一方对某事物的看法或者意见。about是个介词,它后面要接名词或者doing。     如:     How about his playing football?      他足球踢得怎么样?     What about swimming with us?      和我们一起游泳怎么样?     How about her English?      她的英语怎样?   3. —When did Joe get it?     乔是什么时候收到的礼物?     —On his sixth birthday.     在他6岁生日时。   (1)on one’s …… birthday 表示“在某人的……岁生日时”,要用序数词。     On his tenth birthday,his parents gave him a new bike as birthday present.      在他10岁生日那天,他的父母给他买了一辆新的自行车作为生日礼物。   (2)介词on表示“在具体的某一天或某一天的上、下午”。     We will have a party on Christmas Day.    圣诞节那天,我们将要举行一个晚会。   4. Is it someone in your family?     是你家里的什么人吗?     句中it用来确指身份不明的人。     --Who is it?     是谁呀?     --Its me,Mary.     是我,玛丽。     --Who is at the door?      谁在门口?     --Its the postman.     是邮递员。(主语是who,身份不明,故用it指代)     Mr Smith is at the door.He wants to see you.     史密斯先生在门口,他想见你。(主语是Mr Smith,身份明确,故用he指代)   5. The movie was boring,I fell asleep half way through it. 这部电影令人厌烦。在放映了一半时我就睡着了。   (1)boring表示“令人厌烦的”,bored表示“厌烦的”     The book was boring. When he read the book,he felt bored. 这本书很令人厌烦。当他读的时候,觉得很烦。     bored在这里是过去分词作形容词用,许多动词的现在分词和过去分词均可作形容词,区别在于过去分词有被动意味,常指“……对……感到……”,主语通常是“人”,后面多接介词;而现在分词有主动意味,指“使人……的”,常用作表语,而主语通常是“物”。     例如:     He is interested in science.    他对科学很感兴趣。     The story is very interesting.    这个故事很有趣