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梦幻网络( http://www.7139.com ) 数百万免费课件下载,试题下载,教案下载,论文范文,计划总结 Unit7 What does he look like? 一.短语 1. look like 看起来像.... 2. curly /short/straight/long hair 卷/短/直发 3. medium height/build 中等高度/身体 4. a little bit 一点儿… 5. a pop singer 一位流行歌手 6 .have a new look 呈现新面貌 7. go shopping (do some shopping) 去购物 8. the captain of the basketball team 篮球队队长 9. be popular with sb 为---所喜爱 10. one of --- ---中的一个 11 .stop to do sth 停下来去做某事 12. stop doing sth 停止正在做的事情 13 .tell jokes/ stories 讲笑话/ 讲故事 14. have fun doing sth 愉快地做某事 15. remember ( forget) to do sth 记得(忘记)做某事(没有做的) 16 . remember (forget) doing sth 记得(忘记)做过某事(已做) 二.本单元的重点句: 1.Is that your friend? No, it isn’t. 2. What does she look like? 3. I think I know her. ( I don’t think I know her.) 4. Wang Lin is the captain of the basketball team. 5. She’s a little bit quiet. 6 .Xu Qian loves to tell jokes. 7 .She never stops talking. 8 .She likes reading and playing chess. 9. I don’t think he’s so great. 10. I can go shopping and nobody knows me. 11. Now he has a new look. 三.重难点解析 1. What does/ do +主语 + look like? 询问某人的外貌特征,看上去什么样? Eg: What does your friend look like? 2. 形容头发时, 可按照先长短,后曲直, 最后说颜色的顺序说。(长形色) Eg: She has long curly black hair. 3. one of + 名词复数 ,谓语动词要用“单三”形式。 Eg: One of his friends is a worker. 4. 不定代词做主语时, 谓语动词要用“单三”形式。修饰不定代词词,应该放在它的后面. Eg: I can go shopping and nobody knows me. 5.He is …(通常为形容词,包括身高、体形等) He has…(通常为形容词修饰的名词,包括头发、五官) He wears…(穿、戴、留。可以是衣服、帽子、鞋子等,也可以是眼镜、手表、胡须) 6.I don’t think…的用法 表达否定的看法 I don’t think she is good-looking.(否定主观态度) Unit 8 I'd like some noodles 一. 短语 1. beef and tomato noodles\noodles with beef and tomato 牛肉西红柿面    chicken and cabbage noodles    mutton and potato noodles tomato and egg noodles      beef and carrot noodles 2.would like to do sth want to do s.th 想要作某事 3.what kind of noodles什么种类的面条 4.what size bowl of noodles什么大小碗型的面 5.a large\mediumsmall bowl of noodles 大\中\小碗的面 6.ice cream 冰淇淋 orange juice桔汁 green tea绿茶 RMB人民币phone number 7. House of Dumplings\noodles饺子\面馆  Dessert House甜点屋 二.重点句型 1. What kind of vegetablesmeat drink food would you like?      I’d like …… I’d like chicken and cabbage noodles. 2. What kind of noodles would you like? I’d like beef noodles. 3. What kind of noodles would you like? I’d like chicken and cabbage noodles. 4. What size bowl plate of noodles would you like? 5. I’d like a large medium small bowl noodles. 6. What size cake would you like? I would like a small birthday-cake. 三.重难点解析 1. would like 想要 (表示一种委婉的语气)其用法相当于want. would like + 名词    would like an apple (want an apple) would like to do sth He would like to play soccer. ----Would you like to see the dolphins? ----Yes, I’d like to. (1)would 是情态动词,没有人称和数的变化,可与人称代词缩写为’d, 与其它情态动词一样可帮助完成疑问句和否定句。(你能举出例子吗?) 我想要些牛肉。 I’d like some beef.   她想去打乒乓球。She would like to play ping-pang. (你能变否定句和疑问句吗?) (2) Would you like sth.? 是提建议的一种句型,如需用一些,用some而不用any. 肯定回答是: Yes, please./ All right./ Yes./OK. 其否定回答是:No, thanks. 2. What kind of noodles would you like? kind 在此句中作“种类”讲,a kind of 一种,all kinds of 各种各样的。kind of 有几分 A cat is a kind of animal. There are all kinds of animals in the zoo The cat is kind of smart. 3. Can I help you?你要买什么? 肯定 Yes, please . I would like …… 否定 No, thanks. Unit 9 How was your weekend 一.短语 1. play +运动  play soccer play tennis play sports play the + 乐器  play the guitar play with…和某人\物玩耍 2.have +三餐  have breakferst lunch supper   3. study for… clean the room visit sb stay at home have a party  talk show       4.go to the beach    go to the movies go for a walk go to the mountains 5.go shoppingdo some shopping 买东西 6.last weekend上周末  on weekends 每周末 7.on +某日+morningafternoonevening (或具体的某一天) in + morningafternoonevening   in+世纪年\月\季节   at +时刻 last (next) month\yearweek 8.what about+nv-ingpren=how about ……呢 9. spend the weekend last week 度过上周的周末 10.it’s time to do sth=it’s time for sth 该做么的时候了 11.look for 寻找..... 二,重点句型和语法 1.一般过去时 表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态,通常与过去的时间状语连用: yesterday ,last week(month,year) (1)系动词be的过去时: am(is) →was, are →were 陈述句:He was at home yesterday. 否定句:He wasn’t at home yesterday. 疑问句:Was he at home yesterday? Yes ,he was./No ,he wasn’t. (2)行为动词的一般过去时: 陈述句:主语+动词过去式+其它 I go to the movie. →I went to the movie. 否定句:主语+助动词didn’t+动词原形+其 I don’t go to school today. →I didn’t go to school. 一般疑问句:Did +主语+动词原形+其它Do you have breakfast? →Did you have breakfast? Yes,I do./No,I don’t. Yes,I did./No,I didn’t. (3)规则动词的过去式变化规则 变化规则 例词 一般在词尾加—ed. play→played 以不发音的e结尾的,只加--d. like →liked love →loved 以辅音字母+y 结尾的,变y为i ,再加—ed. study →studied carry →carried 以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节,先双写这个辅音字母,再加-ed stop →stopped plan →planned 动词不规则变化: do →did have →had go →went see →saw read →read get →got give →gave sleep →slept eat →ate write →wrote find_---found 2. what’s the date today? It’s … 3. What was the date yesterday? It was… What’s the weather like today? It’s …? 4. How was your weekend? 6.What did she do ? She did her homework 7.What did he do last weekend ? He played soccer 8..It’s time to go home= It’s time for home Unit 10 Where did you go on vacation? 一.短语 梦幻网络( http://www.7139.com )——最大的免费教育资源网站 1.go on vacation       go to summer camp      stay at home study for exams       Central Park        show sth to sb=show sb sth .help him find his father    walk back to…       go shopping the Palace Museum      think of          have fun doing sth .bus trip           the Great Wall       Tian’an Men Square .a Beijing Hutong       make sb do sth .decide to do sth        all day 二.重点句子和注意事项 1.Where d