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教版八年级英语上册Unit 9 Where was he born The first Period

教版八年级英语上册Unit 9 Where was he born The first Period.doc 教材分析 This period acts as an introduction and lead-in dooming to let students become interested in the new topic very soon. And flexible teaching methods are needed to help students master the new words and phrases as soon as possible. It’s very good to present a series of pictures of sports stars that we are familiar with very much and admire for a very long time. This gives students motivation of probing for more information about them. Listening and pair work activities are used to carry out that. 学情分析 This unit talks about people we admire. Some are movie stars; some are sports stars. All of them are famous people. In this unit the passive voice is learned together with the adverbial clauses with when/how long/who questions. It is also divided into two sections to deal with the language teaching. 教学目标 Knowledge object: key vocabulary, target language. Ability object: listening skill, speaking skill, writing skill, cooperating skill, reading skill, and their combination Moral object: Rome is not built in one day. You are never too young to start doing things. 教学重点和难点 Key vocabulary: born Target language: who’s that? That’s Deng Yaping. She is a great Chinese ping-pong player. When was she born? She was born in 1973. Teaching difficulty: Target language 教学过程 Step one Greet the whole class as usual and check their homework. Step two Introduction and new words learning. Today we will learn to talk about people who are great. They have done something unusual and make us admire them. Evoke or elicit the students by explaining the meaning of the word famous. Step three Make a list of international sports stars you know. Ask the students to look at the picture on the book. Let them guess. Step four Listen and write the year the sports star was born under the photo. Step five Pair work: practice the conversation about Deng Yaping below. Then make the conversations about the other sports stars. Step six summary Today we have learned the years the sports stars were born... Step seven homework Practice talking about the years of the sports stars’ birth. 教学环节 教师活动 预设学生行为 设计意图 First Second Third Fourth Read the new words Listen to the tape Read the passage Write something learn the new words and repeat them listening reading writing Pronunciation skill listening skill reading skill writing skill 板书设计(需要一直留在黑板上主板书) Unit 9 when was he born? Who’s that? That’s ... ...is a great ping-pong player. When ...born? ... in 1973 Born How long 学生学习活动评价设计 分组练习,结对对话,默读训练 教学反思 在教学中,教师通过自己的言行、表情传递给学生亲切、鼓励、信任和尊重的情感信息,使得学生不怕出错,敢于开口讲英语,从而激发他们的上进精神,帮助他们树立起自信心、自尊心,使得他们获得良好课堂学习环境中的成功体验。教师的一个微笑、一个问候、一个简单的弯腰握手动作,缩短了师生间的距离。在这种宽松的氛围中,每个学生都敢于和乐于开口说英语,个个抢着与老师握手,学习热情特别高涨。