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世上无难事,只怕有心人 1—6单元复习 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? 1. play the guitar/piano/violin/drums弹吉他/弹钢琴/拉小提琴/敲鼓 play chess下象棋 play soccer/basketball踢足球、打篮球(乐器名称前加the,球类名称前不加the) 2. join the art club加入艺术俱乐部 swimming club游泳俱乐部 sports club运动俱乐部 Story telling club讲故事俱乐部 3. want to do sth.想做… need to do sth需要干某事 4. be good at(doing...)擅长于 be good with与…相处的好 be good for对…有益 5. like to do sth.喜欢做某事 doing sth. 6. Let’s do sth.让我们干… make sb.do sth.使的某人做某事 7. write stories写故事 8. tell stories讲故事 speak English讲英语 talk to sb.和…交谈 say it in English用英语说它 9. make friends with sb.和…交朋友 10. play games with sb.和…做游戏 11. help sb. with sth.= help sb. (to) do sth.帮助某人做某事 12. call sb. at +电话号码 给某人打电话拨+号码 13. on /at the weekend 在周末 on weekends after school放学后 14.do Chinese kungfu 打中国功夫 15.be free 空闲的 16. sing very well 唱得好 That sounds good. 那听起来很好 17.English-speaking students 讲英语的学生 18. Students’ Sports Center学生运动中心 19.also /too/either also/too用在肯定句,also 用于句中,too 用于句尾,either用于否定句句未 eg. I am a student . He is a student,too. I am a student . He is also a student. I am a student . He is a student, either. 20.and/or 连接两个并列成分 eg. I can sing and dance.(and用于肯定句) I can’t sing or dance.(or用于否定句) Can you sing or dance ?(or用于选择疑问句“或者”) 21.at the old people’s home 在养老院 22.can+v./can’t+v. (不)能做某 Can/can’t没有人称和数的变化 What can you do? I can dance. Can you swim? Yes,I can. /No,I can’t. Can she swim? Yes, she can. /No, she can’t. 23.What club do you want to join ?你想加入什么俱乐部? I want to join the swimming club.=I want to be in the swimmimg club. 24.Want Students for School Show学校表演 show sb. 给某人展示 25.teach sb.English教某人英语(teacher 教师) 26.music音乐 musician音乐家 27.piano(pl.pianos) Unit 2 What time do you go to school? 1. go to school去上学 go to work去上班 go to bed上床睡觉 go home回家 2. get home到家 get to school 到达学校 3. get up early起床早 4. get dressed穿衣 5. brush teeth刷牙(tooth单数)(单三brushes) 6. eat/have breakfast/lunch/dinner吃早餐(一日三餐前不加the) 7. eat a good breakfast.吃了一个丰盛的早餐 8. take a shower=have a shower 洗澡 9. take/have a walk散步 10. do (one’s) homework做家庭作业 11. clean my room打扫我的房间 12. eat ice-cream吃冰激凌eat a lot of/lots of fruit and vegetables吃许多水果和蔬菜 13. do/play sports做运动 14. eat quickly快速地吃 15. play computer games玩电脑游戏 16. an interesting job一份有趣的工作 job/work 17. at a radio station在一家无线电台 18. radio show无线电节目 19. at night在晚上 20. in the morning在早上 in the evening在傍晚 21.after that在那之后 after lunch午饭后 22.on weekends在周末 on school days 在上学日 23.sometimes有时 24.It’s time for sth.该…了 to do sth. 25.be late for迟到 26.much time许多时间(much修饰不可数名词) lots of =a lot of许多;大量(修饰不可数名词或可数名词复数) 27.half an hour半小时 28.either… or…或者…或者… I either watch Tv or do homework on weekends. Either I or he is right./ Either he or I am right.(连接并列主语时,根据就近原则) 29.It tastes good.它味道很好。 30.have a healthy life过着健康的生活(life的复数lives) 31.make breakfast for sb.为某人做早饭 32.句型What time do you usually get up? I usually get up at six o’clock. What time does he usually get up? He usually gets up at six o’clock. When do you have dinner? I have dinner in the evening. When does he have dinner? He has dinner in the evening. Unit 3 How do you get to school? 1. take the train乘火车/by train/on a train 2. take the bus乘公共汽车/by bus/on a bus 3. take the subway乘地铁/by subway 4. ride a bike骑自行车/by bike/on a bike 5. walk =on foot步行 6. go on a ropeway乘索道 7. drive a car驾车/by car/in a car 8. It takes sb. some time to do sth.花费某人多长时间做某事 9. every day每天 10. everyday adj. 日常的 11. from… to…从…到… 12. the bus ride公共汽车的车程 13. have a good day过的愉快 14. go to school by bike乘自行车去上学 15. bus stop公共汽车站 16. bus station公共汽车站 17. subway station地铁站 18. think of想起;认为 19. cross the river穿过河流 20. It’s easy to do sth.做某事很容易 21. between… and…在… 和…之间 22. an 11-year-old boy一位11岁的小男孩 23. play with sb.和…玩耍 24. It’s one’s dream to do sth.做某事是…的梦想 25. He’s like a father to me.他对我像一位父亲 be like 像...... 26. come true实现 27. be afraid of害怕… 28. For many student =many of the student 对于大多数的学生。 29. love to do sth .喜爱干某事。 30. River runs too quickly. 河流太快。 31. Thanks for your last e-mail.谢谢你的上一封邮件。 32. Thanks for doing sth.感谢做某事 33. How do you get to school?I get to school by bike./I ride a bike to school. How long does it take?About twenty minutes. How far is it from your home to school? Ten kilometers./Ten minutes’ walk/ Ten minutes’ on foot Unit 4 Don’t eat in class. 1. Don’ t eat in class.别在课堂上吃东西 2. Don’t fight with your classmates.别和同学打架 3. Don’t be noisy 不要嘈杂 4. be quiet.保持安静 5. on time按时 6. be/arrive late for school上学迟到 7. listen to music听音乐 8. eat outside在外面吃 9. a lot of= lots of许多;大量 10. bring… to…把…带到… 11. have to/must+动词原形 不得不/必须做某事 12. wear the/a school uniform穿校服 13. I see.我明白了。 14. go out出去 15. see friends看望朋友 16. practice the guitar练习吉它 17. practice doing sth.练习做某事 18. do the dishes洗刷餐具 19. make breakfast做早餐 20. clean the room打扫房间 21. on school days在上学日 22. every Saturday每周六 23. before dinner在晚饭前 24. before 10:00十点之前 25. after school放学后 26. too many rules太多的规则/too much time太多的时间 27. make the /one’s bed整理床铺 28. think about考虑 think of 认为,想起 29. be strict with sb.对某人严格 be strict in sth.対某事严格 30. make the rules制定制度 follow /obey the rules遵守规则 break the rules违反制度 31. in the ki