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浙江省安吉县高考英语 话题写作指导(3) 素材

话题写作(三) 周围的环境(Surrounded environments) 话题体裁 我们生活在一个物质世界里,周围环境给我们提供学习、生活、工作和娱乐的场所。该话题的写作与我们的生活学习息息相关,写作题目常常以应用文体裁,如写书信介绍某一环境状况或变化;写便条告诉活动地点;写日记记录自己的行踪;向游客介绍旅游景点等。有时也出现纯说明文体裁写作。 话题内容 周围环境的描写分为动态和静态描写。有关该话题的写作常设计三方面的内容,一是简单介绍某一环境状况,属于静态描写,如家庭院落、房屋装修、家居等摆设、图书馆等公共设施环境等;二是环境状况的发展和变化,属于相对动态描写,如家乡环境的变化、学校面貌的改变等;三是沿一定路线描述沿途环境状况,属于动态描写,如参加野餐或郊游的路线、参加朋友party的指导或旅游、集会等活动的安排等。 话题词汇 1. 表示地理位置的动词有:lie; locate; situated等,可翻译成“位于某地;坐落在某处”等。 2. 表述行动路线有:go along the road; go straight ahead; go up/down/into/out of等,可以翻译成“沿着某条路走;直着向前走;向前/后/里/外走”等:take this road走某路/取道…;take the second turn在第二个拐弯处拐弯。。。 3. 表示距离的词语有:about 5-minute’s ride/drive/walk骑车/开车/步行大约5分钟的路程 话题句型 周围环境的描写可以参考以下表达方式: 1. 静态描述可以用: (1)…is/lies in/on/to the east /west/south/north of the…某地处在某地的东/西/南/北方; (2)…is located/situated in/on/to the east/west/south/north某地坐落在某地的东/西/南/北;也可以用倒装结构。如:There is /stands/lies…in/on/to……在某处;On/in /to the east/west/south/north of…is/lies…在某地的东/西/南/北方坐落着。。。;Located/situated/seated in/on/to the …is坐落在某处的是。。。 2.动态描述可以用: (1)Go down/up/on/along the …till you get to…沿。。。路走下去,直到。。。 (2)Go on/through…and you will get to/see…沿。。。路走/穿过,你就能看到。。。 (3)Take…and turn right/left at the first/second turning.走。。。路在第一/二个拐角处朝右/左拐 (4)It is about 5 minutes’ walk/ride/drive away from here.步行/骑车/开车大约5分钟的路程。 话题作文 李华的加拿大笔友Peter发来E-mail说,今年暑假,他想选择中国的某处村庄来体验乡村生活,希望他能介绍一个理想的地方,去信描述某具体的地理位置和简要概述,并简单介绍其历史和发展变化,请以李华的名义,按要求写封回信。词数120-150 写作指导 本文属于地点描述类说明文。作者为笔友介绍了自己的家乡,最后还将热情好客的村民介绍进来。适用的时态以现在时态为主,介绍发展历史可以用过去时;人称用第一或第三人称。 佳作欣赏 Dear Peter, I’m glad to know that you are going to visit a village of our country this summer holiday. I’d like to introduce my hometown to you. I really wish you can enjoy it. My hometown lies in a mountainous area, and to the north of it is a high mountain which is famous for its green plants and magical fog. In the south of our village runs a small river, in which the water is so clean that we can see the reflected houses and green trees. There are many old and interesting houses and yards as well as some modern buildings in our village, and I think you will love it. Great changes have taken place in our hometown in the past few years. Many roads have been built connecting our village with other villages and cities. People’s living standards have been greatly improved and they live a better life than before, and they will give you a warm welcome when you come. Look forward to seeing you soon. Yours, Li Hua 一试身手 为配合你市开展的“全民健身”活动,你校决定举行一次名为“微型马拉松”的长跑比赛。请你以学生会(The Students Union)的名义在5月1日前用英文写一个书面通知,词数120-150.具体内容如下: 1. 时间和地点安排: 5月4日下午2:00前在学校操场集合;3:00(风雨无阻)开始比赛;最后回到操场总结。 2. 参加人员: 每班至少10名学生(欢迎其他同学和教师参加)。 3. 要求: 词数120-150左右