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Unit 7 How do you make a banana milk smoothie? - 5 - 1. make a banana shake 制作香蕉奶昔 2. peel the bananas 剥香蕉 banana peel 香蕉皮 3. cut up the bananas = cut the bananas up切碎香蕉 Cut it/them up 把它/它们切碎 4. pour A into B 将A倒入B 里 5. turn on sth =turn sth on turn it/them on 打开…… 6. put A in B 将A放入B 7. turn off 关上,(turn on 打开) turn up旋大(灯火等),开大(煤气等)调高(声音等),turn down 把(灯火、电器等)关小一点 8. how many +可n复 多少 how much+不可n 多少 9. two teaspoons of honey 两勺蜂蜜 10. make fruit salad 制作水果沙拉 11. two pieces of bread 两片面包 12. mix it/them all up 将它/它们混合在一起 13. turkey slices 火鸡肉片, 14. another slice of bread另一片面包 15.first/at first首先,next接下来,then然后,last/at last/in the end最后 16. roll the pancake 卷上薄饼 17.boil the noodles 煮面条 18.it’s+adj+to do sth 做某事是…… it’s easy to do sth. 做某事容易 it’s hard /difficult to do sth.做某事难, It’s necessary to do sth.做某事必要 19.on the top 在顶部 on the top of …… 在……的顶部 20. a recipe for ……的烹调方法, ……的食谱 21.super Chicken sandwich 超级鸡肉三明治 22.Bing Duck北京烤鸭 23.add A to B 把 A加到B上 24.a cup of yogurt 一杯酸奶 25.put A on B 把A放到B上 Unit 8 How was your school trip? 1. on the school trip 在学校旅行中 2. hang out with sb和某人闲逛 3. go to the aquarium去水族馆 4. take photos=take a photo =take pictures=take a picture照相 5. take photos of sb=take a photo of sb =take pictures of sb=take a pictureof sb给某人照相 6. buy a souvenir买纪念品 7.buy sb sth=buy sth for sb 给某人买某物 8. get one’s autograph 得到了某人的亲笔签名 9.win (the) first prize 赢得一等奖 10. win a prize for因…赢得奖品 win a prize of赢得…的奖品 11.see some seals 看海豹 12.something else=some other things 一些别的事 13 at the aquarium 在水族馆 14. have fun=have a good time=have a great time=enjioy oneself 玩得高兴,过得愉快 15. Blue Water Aquarium蓝色水族馆 16. the Visitors’ Center游客中心 17.watch a dolphin show海豚表演 18.. after that 后来 19.. at the end of…在……结束的时候 at the beginning of 在…的开始 20. the Gift Shop礼品店 21.outdoor pool/activity/clothes 户外泳池/活动/衣服 22. go for a drive 开车兜风 23. go camping in the rain在雨中野营 24. have fun doing sth. 很快乐的做某事 25.have a yard sale 进行庭院销售 26.get wet 淋湿 27.in yesterday’s singing competition 在昨天的歌唱比赛中 28. in the future在将来 29. a busy day off 繁忙的假日, 30.On your next day off 在你的下个休息日 31. all day = all the day=the whole day整天 32. What else did you do?=What other things did you do? 你还做了别的什么事情吗? Unit 9 When was he born? 1. sports star 体育明星 2.be born 出生 3. a great Chinese ping-pong player中国杰出的乒乓球运动员 4.have world record for 有…的世界纪录 5. hiccupping world record 打嗝世界纪录 6.start/begin doing sth start/begin to do sth 开始做某事 7. too… to…太……,而不…… 8. for example 例如 9. play for ...... 为......效力 10. write music谱写曲子 11.first have a party 第一次举办聚会 12.a comedy called /named...... 一部名叫(被称为)......的喜剧 13. become a movie star 成为电影明星 14. see sb. do sth 看见某人做了某事 see sb. doing sth 看见某人正在做某事 15. learn to ride a bicycle 学会骑自行车 16.hum songs 哼歌 17.win a gold madel 获得枚金牌 18.be famous for=be well-known for 以…而著名 19. in the history of ...... 在......的历史中 20. a loving grandfather慈爱的祖父 21. spend all one’s free time with sb.与某人一起度过了所有的业余时间 22. a famous violinist 著名的小提琴手 23. ice skating滑冰 24. a kind and loving grandmother和蔼而慈爱的祖母 25. a skating champion 滑冰冠军 26. the famous Chinese pianist中国著名的钢琴演奏家 27. a small boy(girl)孩提时期 28. at the age of…在……年龄时 同意:when sb. be 岁数 (years old) 29. take part in / join in 参加、加入 30. begin to learn the accordion开始学习手风琴 31. major in 主修,专修 32. leave for+地点 ......动身去… 33. be alive 健在 34. because of 因为、由于 35. in the speech competition 在演讲比赛中 36. date of birth 出生日期 37.womens singles 女子单打 38.Whos that? 那是谁? Thats...... 那是...... 39.difficult pieces of music 几首有难度的音乐 40.at the world Championship 在世界锦标赛中 41. You are never too young to start doing things. 你决不要因为太小而不开始去做一些事。 unit 10 I’m going to be a basketball player 1. grow up 长大,成长 2. computer science计算机科学 3. be going to do 表示主观打算、准备或有信心做某事 4. computer programmer 电脑程序设计人 5. baseball player 棒球运动员 6. take acting lessons上演技课 7. professional basketball player 职业篮球运动员 8.practice basketball练习篮球 practice doing sth 练习做某事 9. move somewhere 搬到(不具体的)某一地方 10. sound like + n. 听起来像…… 11.part-time兼职的,full-time全职的,全日制的 12. a year or two =one or two years; 一两年 an hour or two=one or two hours 一两个小时 a day or two=one or two days 一两天 13. my dream job我梦想的工作 14. what I want to do 我想做的事情 15. somewhere interesting有趣的地方 (不定代词+形容词) 16. a reporter for fashion magazine 时装杂志记者 17. at an art school 在艺术学校 18. save some money 积蓄一些钱,攒钱 make money 挣钱 19. at the same time与此同时 20. hold art exhibitions举办美术展览 21. buy sth for sb. = buy sb. sth 为某人买某物 22. travel all over the world 周游全世界 20. all over the world/around the world全世界,世界各地 21. somewhere quiet and beautiful 安静而美丽的地方 22. write articles 写文章 23. send sth. to sb. = send sb. sth 将某物发送给某人 24. I’m not sure yet 我还没有定下来 25. the Olympic Games=the Olympics奥运会 26. New Year’s resolutions 新年的决心 27. play an instrument 弹一种乐器 28. get a part-time job 找到一份兼职工作 29. make the soccer team组建足球队 30. get good grades获得好成绩 31. eat healthier food吃健康的食物 32. get lots of exercise 多进行体育锻炼 33. take guitar lessons上吉他课 34. I really love music我酷爱音乐 35. sounds interesting 听起来很有意思 36. a foreign language 一门外语 37.over... = more than ... 超过,多于 38. get a