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新目标八年级英语上册复习 Unit1-unit6 一. 单元话题: 1. (Unit One)How often do you do things?谈论某项活动或行为的频率 2. (Unit Two)Talk about your health.谈论健康。Give advice提供建议 3. (Unit Three)Talk about your vacation plan.谈论你的假期计划 4. (Unit Four)Talk about transportation.谈论交通 5. (Unit Five)Make invitation.提出邀请。 6. (Unit Six)Compare people比较人物 二. 重点词汇 1. 频度副词:always总是,usually通常,often经常,sometimes有时, hardly ever几乎不,never从不 2. 表示频度的短语:every day每天,once a week,一周一次,twice a week一周两次, three times a week一周三次,once a month一月一次 3. 不定代词:all全部的,most大部分的,some一些,no没有的 4. 身体部位单词:arm手臂,back背,ear耳朵,eye眼睛,foot足,hand手,head头, leg腿,mouth嘴,neck脖子,nose鼻子,stomach胃,tooth牙 5. 表示疾病的单词:toothache牙痛,sore throat喉咙痛,stomachache胃痛,fever发烧, headache头痛,have a cold感冒,sore back背痛 6. 有关交通的单词:bus公共汽车,taxi出租车,train火车,bicycle自行车, subway 地铁,boat船,car小汽车,bus stop公共汽车站, bus station公共汽车总站,train station火车站,subway station地铁站 7. 星期:Sunday周日,Monday周一,Tuesday周二,Wednesday周三,Thursday周四,Friday周五,Saturday周六 8. 时间:today今天,tomorrow明天,yesterday昨天,the day after tomorrow后天 9. 形容词比较级:funnier更好笑的,quieter更安静的,more serious更严肃的, more outgoing更外向的,smarter更聪明的,more athletic体格更强健的,taller更高的,thinner更瘦的 三. 重点短语: 1. how often多久一次 2. try to do sth 尽量去做某事 3. look after照料 4. help sb. do sth 帮助某人做某事 5. lie down and rest躺下休息 6. see a dentist看牙医 7. be stressed out感到压力 8. have a fever发烧 9. too much太多 10. stay / keep healthy保持健康 11. go camping去野营 12. go hiking徒步旅行 13. go sightseeing去观光 14. go bike riding去骑自行车 15. take walks散步 16. rent videos租录相带 17. take a vacation度假 18. think about考虑 19. decide on 决定 20. take a bus乘坐公共汽车 21. by train坐火车 22. on foot步行 23. ride a bike骑自行车 24. leave for 前往 25. how far多远 26. how long多长时间 27. It takes sb. some time to do something. 做某事花某人多长时间 28. depend on 取决于 29. have a piano lesson 上一堂钢琴课 30. on Thursday night在星期四晚上 31. look the same看起来一样 32. the same as 和……一样 33. a little taller 较高一点 34. twin sisters双胞胎姐妹 35. be important for me 对我是重要的 四. 重点句型: Unit 1 What do they usually do on weekends? They often go to the movies. What does he do on weekends? He sometimes watches TV. What do you do on weekends? I always play soccer. How often do you play tennis? I play it three times a week. How often does she study? She studies every day. How often does he exercise? He never does exercise. How often do they play skateboarding? They hardly ever play skateboarding. Unit 2 What’s the matter? I have a cold. You should see a doctor. He has a sore back. He should lie down and rest. She is tired. She shouldn’t study too late at night. Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation? I’m visiting my grandmother. What’s she doing for vacation? She’s going camping. What are they doing for vacation? They’re relaxing at home. When are you going? I’m going on Monday. How long are you staying? I’m staying for a week. Unit 4 How do you get to school? I ride my bike. How does he get to school? He takes the bus. / She takes the subway. How do they get to school? They take the train. How long does it take? It takes about forty minutes (to take the bus to school). How far is it from here? It is about 500 meters. Unit 5 Can you come to my party? I’m sorry I can’t. I have to help my mom. I’m sorry. I am helping my mom. Sure. I’d love to. Can she go to the movies? No, she can’t. She’s playing basketball. Can he go to the baseball game? No, he can’t. He has to study. Can they go to the concert? No, they can’t. They’re going to / have to go to a party. When is the concert? / What time is the concert? Next Monday, at seven o’clock. What’s today? It’s Saturday,Jan.29th. Unit 6 Pedro is funnier than Paul. Tina is taller than Tara. Tom is more athletic than Sam. We are both short. 五. 重点语法: 1. 频率副词(频度副词) always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever, never这几个词表示做某件事的“频率”,即单位时间的次数。 这些词通常放在实义动词(行为动词)之前,系动词和助动词之后。 eg: She usually goes to the library on Sundays.她通常在星期天去图书馆。 He sometimes watches TV at night.他晚上有时看电视。 My mother hardly ever goes to the movies.我母亲很少去看电影。 Mr. Green is aways busy on Sunday.格林先生周日总是很忙。 His brother doesn’t often go fishing on his vacation.他哥哥假期不经常去钓鱼。 2. 情态动词should的用法 肯定形式should+动词原形;否定形式:shouldn’t+动词原形。 should有两种基本用法:(1)表示义务或责任,如: We shouldn’t eat in classrooms. 我们不应该在教室里吃东西。 (2)表示劝告或建议,如: You should have a rest if you are tired.如果你累了,你就应该休息一会儿。 I think you shouldn’t go out to play this evening. 我想你今天晚上不应该出去玩。 3. 现在进行表示将来 “be+现在分词”构成进行时态,表示动作正在发生或进行。这个结构也有很多别的含义,在句子中加上一个表示将来的时间状语时,可以表示按计划或安排即将发生的动作。 We’re spending our holiday in Shanghai next week.下星期我们将去上海度假。 He is leaving for London next week.下周他将去伦敦。 How long are you staying?你打算呆多久? 4. 形容词的比较级 形容词比较级用于两者(人或物)之间的比较,表示一方比另一方“更…”或“较…”,后面通常用比较连词than连接另一方所比较的人或物。 eg: This room is bigger than that one. 这个房子比那个房间大。 My twin brother is more outgoing than me.我的双胞胎兄弟比我更外向。 His English is better than his brother.他的英语比他哥哥好。 规则变化 例词 一般在词尾加-er或-est tall-taller-tallest calm-calmer-calmest 以辅音字母+-y结尾的,改-y为-i再加-er或-est funny-funnier-funniest heavy-heavier-heaviest happy-happier-happiest early-earlier-earliest 以e字母结尾的,直接加-r或-st fine-finer-finest nice-nicer-nicest 重读闭音节词要双写词尾的辅音字母再加-er或-est big-bigger-biggest red-redder-reddest thin-thinner-thinnest fat-fatter-fattest hot-hotter-hottest wet-wetter-wettest 多音节词和部分双音节词是在词前直接加more或most interesting-more interesting-most interesting popular-more popular-most popular 一些词的变化不规则 much/ many-more-most good/well-better-best 六. 重、难点解析: 1. be good for …“对…有益” eg: My mom says it’s good for my health. 我母亲说这对我的健康有好处。 Swimming is good for health.游泳对健康有好处。 此句型结构类似句型有: be bad for “对…有害” be important for “对…重要”