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浙江省安吉县高考英语 话题写作指导(6) 素材

话题写作(六) 兴趣与爱好 (Interests and hobbies) 该话题写作常出现在一些说明性的应用文中,如应聘信、推荐笔友等,但一般都会有个人观点的简单陈述。该话题写作还有可能出现在议论文写作中,主要论证兴趣与爱好与人们学业和事业的关系,要有提出观点、论证观点、总结论点的过程。 该话题作文属于包括描述和介绍兴趣与爱好(interests and hobbies)的写作。每人都有不同的爱好和兴趣,它们可以引导个人行为,帮助学业或事业取得成功。个人兴趣和爱好主要包括: 学校活动,尤其是音乐、体育、舞蹈、表演等特长与爱好; 业余爱好,如邮票、硬币等收藏、游泳、钓鱼、电脑游戏等; 文娱活动:读书看报、听收音机、看电视、听CD音乐、欣赏电影、戏剧、音乐会等; 社交活动,如晚会、会客、野餐、旅游观光等。 如果属于议论文写作 从描述个人爱好或兴趣入手,或者通过分析调查结果开始,提出问题或观点。 正面论证:分析兴趣爱好对于人们生活和工作的影响:能够帮助设立目标,激发斗志,长久未来事业;也可反面论证:如果痴迷,导致失败。 表达个人观点,提出建议:正确处理,不可沉迷;爱好与未来事业的关系:利用其激励自己设立和实现目标。 总结观点,再现主题。 表达喜欢做某事:likes to do /doing…;enjoy doing…;be fond of…;be crazy about… 建议充分去利用:take advantage of…;make full use of… 表达带来的利益:enrich…in…;be of great value/help/importance for…;be proud of… 分析隐含的弊端:waste too much time and energy; be attracted in…;have a bad effect on… 描述和介绍个人兴趣和爱好,可以参考如下句型: ⑴He/She likes doing…very much, for…thinks it is great help/value for him/her to do… ⑵He/she is also fond of doing…,for example, he has done…in the field of…,which made his friends and families feel proud of him as well. ⑶However, his/her favorite is…Thanks to his great effort to…,he has made great progress in… ⑷He/She has developed an interest in …while doing…For example… 论证兴趣和爱好与学业以及事业的关系,可以参考如下句型: ⑴As we all know, interests and hobbies…,which have a good effect on…when made full use of. ⑵They can help us to set a goal for our life, which can stimulate us to work for it. ⑶However, if we are too crazy about…,we would…,which is not good for us to… ⑷Therefore, we should develop and get along well with some good and valuable interests and hobbies. ⑸Only when we take advantage of them, can we make more progress in our work and study. 假设你叫李华,你从小就对机器人玩具十分感兴趣,随着年龄的增长,对机器人的好奇心和兴趣也与日俱增,并多次在学校以及其他有关部门组织的小发明比赛中展出自己的机器人设计和制作,而且多次获奖。你从网上读到“暑假国际中学生‘机器人大赛’将在你市举行”的消息,并得知组委会拟从你市各中学招聘赛场服务志愿者若干名。请你用英语给组委会秘书写一封125~150词的应聘信,希望能为大赛服务,同时也希望能丰富自己的阅历,增长自己的知识。 注意:书信开头和结尾部分已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Secretary, I’m very glad to read about your information on the coming Robot Competition in our city. Yours Li Hua 写作指导 本话题作文要求写一封应聘信,其主要内容就是描述自己的爱好和兴趣。首先要表达写信目的和意图;然后要仔细描述自己的爱好的兴趣及其发展与取得的成绩;最后说明白自己的情况,表达愿望。 佳作欣赏 Dear Secretary, I’m very glad to read about your information on the coming Robot Competition in our city .Now I am writing to you to apply for the position of a volunteer in the competition. I showed great interest in playing with robot toys when I was very young . As I grew older, I became more and more curious and interested in robots. In fact, I was so crazy about the robots that I devoted all my spare time to make and design some model robots ,some of which won prizes in the Invention Competition organized by our school or other departments in our city . I was very proud of them as well. Now, I am studying in a middle school in our city and I can spare some time to offer some service for the competition in my summer holidays. On the other hand ,I can enrich my experience and knowledge about robot designing if I can get the chance to be present at the competition . Looking forward to your reply. Yours Li Hua “世界读书日”(每年的4月23日)即将到来,你的加拿大网友Peter说他要成立一个网上“读书俱乐部”,邀请世界各地中学生参加,成员可以欣赏相互推荐各国名著。假定你对读书特干兴趣,希望网友允许你加入该俱乐部,请你给他发个电子邮件,说明你对此事情的认识,表达你的愿望,并陈述自己的有利条件,如:中英文阅读和写作能力强,了解很多名著等。 注意: 词数120~150; 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 开头已为你写好。 Dear Peter, I am glad to know that you will set up a “Reading Club” on the Internet.