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版高考英语 Passage 10 Variety is the source of creativity双语美文集锦素材

Passage 10 Variety is the source of creativity Variety is the source of creativity. Variety injects the fluid of creativity into the most hollow minds. To ensure a triumphant career, variety combined with flexibility to fit in diverse circumstances is the major truth nowadays. No housing can be constructed in one single day. The more one explores, the more different dimensions one will observe which can help to complete a job. It is logical to choose the best way of doing a thing among various available options. Innovation is your own discovering an unusual way to fulfil your aim, which might be an elaborate and perfect scheme, and would yield superb results. Innovation is not something that cannot be realized by us. Belief in yourself and the unique ability of giving concrete shape to your values and ideas are what separate boys from men. It takes a lot of courage to venture into the execution of your ideas. The initial phase is the toughest, for you may not be recognized or comprehended mentally. But survival in tough times is a test of your perseverance, endurance and determination. For undergraduates, they can spice up their lives with variety by focusing on extra activities apart from academic curriculum. It is evident that academics are the golden key to a good career and a secure job, but the books don’t guide you to become smart in practice. No matter how long you have spent reading on skating, all the reading is useless, unless and until you put it into practice. Extra curricular activities help one to deal with people, and tell one the areas where theoretical theories can’t be applied in real life and also change the individual’s perspective and outlook to various problems. Also, time management would become easy by involving one in various activities, because only a busy man can find time. Variety is the spice of life. Variety could activate the mind to open its creative reserves. 变化是创造力的源泉 变化是创造力的源泉。变化为众多荒芜的心田注入了创造的汁液。变化和适应变化环境的灵活性是当今开创事业成功的必要条件。 罗马并不是一日建成的。你挖掘的越多,就越能够发现完成任务的各种各样的方法和方式。在各种现有的选项中挑选最好的方式才是符合逻辑的。创新是由你自己发现一种可以实现自己目标的独特的做事方式,它可能是事与一套精细完美的方案,并且会产生极好的效果。 创新并不是遥不可及的。相信自己,加上具有将价值观和想法赋予具体形式的独特能力会使我们脱颖而出。实施心中的想法需要很大的勇气去冒险。初期是最艰苦的,你可能会得不到真正的认可和理解。但是在不顺利的时候能否坚持下去,正是对你意志、忍耐力和决心的考验。 大学生可以通过课外活动把生活变得多姿多彩。很明显,学校所学的是通向一个好的职业和稳定工作的金钥匙,但是书本知识并不能让你在实践中变得聪慧。不管花多长时间阅读关于滑冰的书,你若不实践,阅读是毫无用处的。课外活动是帮助人们学习与人打交道的,只了解理论,在生活中的某些领域是行不通的,实践可以改变一个人看待不同问题的视角和观点。同时,通过参与各种不同的也使人更善于管理时间,因为只有忙碌着的人才会努力挤时间。 变化是生活的调味品。变化可以激活思维,开启创造的潜能。