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全国高考英语 阅读、完形与写作(考前纠错)之书面表达 名师在线答疑 素材

名师在线答疑 根据Corder(1967、1971)的理论⑵,语言运用的差错可分为三类,第一类差错(errors)是不符合语法规则的语言形式,反映学习者的语言知识和能力问题;第二类错误(mistakes)是指不符合语境的语言形式,反映学习者的语言运用问题;第三类差误(slips 和lapses)是指口误或笔误,反映学习者的身体、精神以及情感等方面的状态问题。以上三类问题在学生的书面表达中经常存在。具体表现在以下几个方面: (一) 低级错误 是指那些最基本的错误,譬如拼写(大小写)错误;冠词错误;名词单数和复数的错误;主宾格的错误;介词的误用;形容词和副词的误用;时态的错误;主谓一致等等。以上错误在写作中最常见。避免的办法是写完后认真默读一遍,仔细核对,一般可以自己改正。 请看下列来自学生习作的错句并加以改正。 1. I havent see you for several month. Hope you are very good. 2. Suddenly I had a idea. 3. I asked he what happened. 4. I am back in China. Thanks for help me in Australia. 5. I felt sadly, because a few of my classmates laugh to me in class. 6. Both my mother and my sister likes listen to pop music. 7. Collect stamp is my favorite hobby. 8. I have been to England twice two years ago. I hope you to come to China for a visit. 9. I was absent yesterday because I have to look for my sister. She was ill at home 10. I hurt me when playing football yesterday afternoon. (二) 句子结构错误 这种错误常见的有句子结构不完整(如漏掉be动词);在表达时试图用比较复杂的结构,但往往又事与愿违,丢三落四;2个句子之间缺乏连词或多用连词;写出断句(sentence fragment)等等。对策是学好英语中的复合句(包括定语从句,状语从句和名词性从句),重点把握连词的用法;还要充分理解句子和句子的逻辑关系。 请看下列来自学生习作的错句并加以改正。 1. My home town on the bank of the Changjiang River. 2. Guo Jingjing, who has won two gold medals, she was born in Hebei. 3. This is all what I know about it. 4. I have a good friend, his name is Li Lei. 5. Last week our class went on a trip to a factory, it is a modern plastic factory. 6. I think you should put on more clothes. Because it is very cold. 7. I don’t know that when they left here. 8. One morning it was raining strongly. However, I was late for school. 9. I don’t know where is the nearest post office. 10. English is not easy to learn well is a fact. (三)中文式英语(Chinglish) 由于受母语的影响,不少学生在写作时往往习惯于用中文构思或把中文直接翻译成英文,造成用词不当或句子成分的缺失,结果经常出现不地道的汉式英语。这种错误的出现在书面表达中最多。避免这种错误的正确做法是:掌握英语句子的基本构成(五种简单句的结构,即主语+谓语+宾语;主语+谓语+状语;主语+连系动词+表语;主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语;主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语);注意英文表达和中文表达在结构(顺序)上的不同;注意英文和中文词汇意义上的差别(尤其遇到难于表达或英语中没有的词汇可以采用解释法);注意英语中的惯用句型;多读短小精悍的文章,培养语感。 请看下列来自学生习作的错句并加以改正。 1. When you come, give me a telephone. ( 你来的时候给我一个电话。) 2. In the football match, our class won Class 4 ( 在下午的足球比赛中我们班赢了4班。) 3. I very like English. (我非常喜欢英语。) 4. My name is Li HuaI and I in 1985 was born in Dalian. (我的名字叫李华。我1985年出生在大连。) 5. I have 165cm tall. My body is very good. (我有1米65。我的身体很好。) 6. I got No. 1 in the middle exam and then went to a key senior middle school. (我在中考中得了第一,然后上了一所重点高中。) 7. You have no need to look up every word when reading. (阅读时你没有必要查每一个单词。) 8. China’s history is very long, has over 5,000 years. (中国的历史很悠久,有5000多年了。) 9. Outside is very cold. You had better not go out. (外面很冷,你最好别出去。) 10. In wait for a bus, the weather began to rain. (在等车的时候天下雨了。)